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I am an aged care nurse in a care home and I also cover the position of the activities officer when she goes on holiday. Because I knew I was going to be doing it for a month I wanted to try and make a new game so it was something different for them. I have made a and they love to play it. While I was browsing the internet looking for a new game to make I saw this game.

The residents sit around a long table and the track was down the middle. I wanted to make my game as a floor game so I adapted it to be a larger version of the table game and the residents can stay their comfortable chairs while they play.This post may contain affiliate links. Which means I earn a small commission on links used at no extra cost to you. Please see my for more information.I made this project out of recycled materials that is why all the wood is different. I cut the bases of the horses first these I cut to 6 x 200mm (L) x 120mm (W) x 20mm thick. I added a thicker block to go on top of the bases only because I did the have big pieces of the thicker wood.

The wood base needs to be a bit thick so the dowel can be sunk into the base so the horse does not tip over because it is top heavy. The smaller blocks I cut to 100mm (L) x 70mm (w) and 60mm wide. Yours can be any shape as long as it is heavy. I cut all my wood on the because it was quicker for me.The dowel that I used was 16mm.

To make the hole in the base for the dowel to fit into I used a 16mm and drilled down about 50mm. I cut the dowels to 800mm long so that I would not have to keep bending down to move the horses along the track. I used wood glue to hold the dowel in place.I stained all my block before I assembled them so it was quicker. I stained them using and added 2 coats of It is easier than using a brush and you don’t end up with runs in the finish. I used wood glue to glue the smaller block to the big one first.Because this game is going to get a lot of use I also drilled holes in the bottom and added to keep the blocks togetherTo make my horse I went onto the internet and found a picture of a horse that I liked. I chose a silhouette to keep it simple. I printed 6 copies of the horse onto plain printer paper.

I found scraps of wood big enough from on scrap wood pile. These were old kitchen cupboard doors. I used to fix the image to the piece of wood. I cut away most of the bulk of wood using a and then cut out the detail using aEach horse had to have a number which will match up with the number on the race track.

I used scrap wood to make these. I used a to draw the circles the size that I wanted and cut them out using a jigsaw. I used an and 180 gritto smooth out the surface.I needed a way to attach the numbers to the dowel at the top of the horse. I used a drill and drilled holes big enough for a to go through.

To attach the horse to the dowel I used the 16mm spade bit and cut a hole in the underneath of the horse. This was where I picked up that my horse was the wrong shape. I needed a flat section to cut out my hole, so our horses had to lose a leg.

So we now have 3 legged horses. I used to attach the horse to the dowel. I used a scrap piece of dowel to hold my horse in place while I painted them so I did not get paint everywhere. I used a mixture of and glaze and to paint the horses. I painted the horses in bright colours and each one a different colour.Each horse needed a number which would match up with the number on the track. To add my numbers to the horse as well as the circle.

I used a number stencil and a permanent marker pen. I put numbers on both sides of the horse so our residents on both sides of the track can see them.I sealed all the horses using an I attached the horse to the top of the dowel using wood glue. Ignore my wood scrap heap in the background.I was given this big roll of thick paper from the local paper mill. You can use or I made my track 10metres which is the gap we have between the chairs in the lounge so all the resident can follow the game. I used o paint the track so it looks like grass or at least the colour of grass. I used a to paint the track quicker.To make the tack sturdy along the edges I added a that I folded over the edges.I used a long piece of scrap wood as a ruler to make my lines and used a to draw the lines.

I divided the track into eight sections. One for each of the horses and one either side for the number of lines.

I then divided out the length slightly bigger than the base of the horse. And left the last line to add the word FINISH. I used the stencil and sharpie again to add the numbers to the track.I looked on the internet to and could not find any the size I had in mind so I made my own. I cut 2 squares of foam from an old foam mattress using anI covered the dice in only because that is what I had at home. I used 2 different so the dice are different. One dice is for the number of the horse and the other is for the number of moves the horse makes.I cut all the dots out and glued them onto the dice in the correct dice format. This is the image I used for the format. This is not my image.This was my finished diceTo make the tickets for the horse I just designed what I wanted using Microsoft word and printed them and them.

Because they will be handled a lot, paper would not last long. I did the same for the horse dollars which is what the get when their horse wins a race.How to Play the GameAt the start of the game, each resident picks two horse which they have for the whole session. To get everyone in the mood and to announce the start of the game you can play the during the game. The first dice is thrown which picks the horse.

The second dice is then thrown which is the number of moves that horse gets to move. The horse that gets to the end first gets 1 horse dollar. For the horse to go out the correct amount of moves is needed.

If the horse is 3 away from the end the dice must be a 3. If they throw a 4 the horse stays where it is.Hurdle cards can be put on the track one in each track at different places. This will make the game more exciting a few examples are, go back 2 spaces, move on 3 spaces, go back to the beginning. The person with the most horse dollars at the end of the session which is an hour can pick first from the prize table. The second highest pick next and so forth until the prizes are all gone.To see another great project check out thisPlease feel free to leave a comment and share this post. If you are in need of any of the products in this post please can you use my links to buy them at no extra cost to yourself? The small commission I earn helps with the costs to run this site.

↓. Phil Lamerton, UKYou’ve made a great job making this game, the horses look really good. I made this game a while back for a family gathering at Christmas but with a few differences. Some things I did differently.


One dice had colour discs on the faces. The horse cut outs where just large coloured horse heads with offset broom handle dowels on each side. Each horse had its own name ie. Red Arabian, Blue Moon, Yellow peril, Green Goddess, Black Beauty, and White Gold. The game was played in the same way, the horse’s colour thrown, moved, but the main difference was that six players actually took their horses head and became the ‘jockeys’.

They moved, themselves, along the track which was made by putting sticky tape on the floor in a grid, (if outside you could use chalk). To add to the fun, anyone who wanted to join in could put a bet on the winner, using the tote system. There were about 30 of us in the group so the ‘riders’ and odds changed in each race, which added to the excitement.This game could also be used as a fundraiser by having a ‘Race night’ with six races and a grand final, made up from all the previous winners, making a full evening, selling tickets for a meal and drinks. Money could also be raised by getting local businesses to sponsor a race for example ‘The -Butchers- Steaks’, ‘The -Sports Shop- Hurdles’, ‘The -Wedding Shop- Maidens Chase’ and so on. As well as taking a share from each race (working the tote), perhaps giving some back towards the ‘Big Prize’ for the final winner.It could also be used just for fun by children at a party/function with donated prizes.

Unfortunately, I don’t know how to post a photo of the heads I made!

White Oak Stables strives to give people of all ages a place to relax and share their mutual love of horses. Our focus is to educate as well as stressrealistic equine care and management in hopes of stopping the abuse and slaughter of 40,000 to 80,000 equines a year. Our game is designed toemphasize realistic time, skill and money management needed to run a successful horse stable. Members must feed, care for, and breed their own horsesresponsibly otherwise the animals die as they would in real life. Members learn there are consequences for all of their actions.

In this way our gameencourages horse rescue and rehabilitation of unwanted, neglected and abandoned horses. It is our hope these values will be instilled in future generations. My name is Greta 'Jade' Krafsigand I'm the owner of a small game developement company specializing in games forwomen and girls. Like most girls I grew up completely horse crazy and still am to this day. I bought my first horse Erin on July 30th, 2007.

She's a 1999bay Thoroughbred mare out of a fairly well known VA steeplechasing stallion, Aaron's Gold.My second horse, Abbott, arrived on April 10th, 2010. He's a cutechestnut Quarter Horse gelding I was originally planning to train and sell.until I realized what a fabulous horse he is. I got my third horse, Emma, on June 10, 2015.She's a chestnut Irish Sport Horse and a super talented jumper.I have a B.S. In computer science with a focus on computer games and graphics and I teach horseback riding lessonsat a local barn on the weekends. I love programming almost as much as I love animals and working with kids.

Job Description: Responsible game moderation, creates special shows and races, helps generate contests, games,and other member interest features or functionality. Encourages and helps new members learn how to play.

May betasked with creating simple game modifications (programmatic and design), help documents, rules or game content.Hours: VariesLocation: TelecommuteRequirements: Must be 16 or older. Basic HTML knowledge is a plus. Must be familiar will all game rulesand have had an upgraded account at some point in time. Entry Level PHP/MySQL Programmer.

Job Description: Assigned to modify, update and create features for design1online.com games. Duties include:. Database Management - creating, modifying, optimizing MySQL Databases. PHP - writing functions and OOP. Fetching and displaying mysql query calls.

MySQL - querying, inserting, updating and deleting data. XHTML & CSS - W3C standards, validation, browser compatibility and form basicsHours: Availble on a per-script basisLocation: TelecommutePayment: Via Paypal or check at $10 an hourRequirements: Must be 18 or older, signed rights of use contract, 1-2 years PHP and MySQL experience Entry Level Flash AS3 Programmer. Job Description: MMO programming for whoa-horsie.com. Duties include:. Maps, Items, Characters - creation, generation, actionscript 3 programming. SmartFoxServer API - integration with PHP and XML. MySQL - querying, inserting, updating and deleting data.

QA & Testing - quality assurance, game play testing, AI testing, bug reportingHours: VariesLocation: TelecommutePayment: Via Paypal or check at $10 an hourRequirements: Must be 18 or older, signed rights of use contract, 1+ year actionscript experience Freelance Animator. Job Description: Animation modification and generation for whoa-horsie.com. Duties include:. Horses, Humans, Natural Movement - walk, run, eat and other natural movements. Colorization - segmented, dynamic colorization.

Storyboards - intros and other movie sequencesHours: VariesLocation: TelecommutePayment: Via Paypal or check at $8 per frameRequirements: Must be 18 or older, signed rights to use contract, 1-2 years animation experience,1+ years experience with animation software, examples of work Freelance Graphic Artist. Job Description: Cartoon style with a realistic appearence to match current graphic styles.Drawings include horses, items, country themes and game layout images.

Knowledge of:. Photoshop - cropping, coloring, line art, transparent backgrounds. File Optimization - reducing file size and compression for web. Branding & Print Media- logos, t-shirt designs, hats and journal designsHours: VariesLocation: TelecommutePayment: Via Paypal or check at $20 per imageRequirements: Must be 18 or older, signed rights to use contract, 1-2 years graphic software experience,examples of work Interested in any of these positions? Hey guys, man it's been forever since I've posted anything and for that I really do appologize. I have had a crazy time with work and with my personal life but I wanted you all to know that I haven't totally disappeared I am just working on trying to get things back to a place where I can dedicate time to WOS and it's development again.

I have become a foster mom so having little ones in the house has really thrown a wrench into my spare time and I've had a few job changes and promotions which means work is also really eating up my free time. I want to thank you for all your continued support and know that WOS is not going anywhere now or in the future. Hey guys, I have been working on getting automatic upgrades back up and running again. My main server has been having a lot of availbility issues while I was testing out a new server setup when we were having server issues. Long story short, that server has been reverted to what we were using before and seems to be more stable now. This means you should be able to automatically purchase and get your upgrades again.

I have a few emails from people having trouble with racetracks still that I'm looking into and hope to have fixed by the end of the week.If you have any trouble with your upgrade please email me so I can get it sorted out. If you put in a dispute in PayPal I can't fix the upgrade right away, I have to wait for the dispute to end (ie give you a refund) before you can get your money back and try to upgrade again.

Hey guys, I spent the morning trying to figure out why we've been having so many issues with shows and races not running. It looks like there were a few things going wrong that I've made changes to in an effort to fix the problem.

I also restarted the server to make sure that wasn't causing the problems either. I'm sorry for the lack of updates, my work has been super crazy and we have a major deadline in 3 weeks that if we don't meet it could mean loosing my job, ugh! I'm hoping things will finally settle down after that.

Hey guys, spring is in the air and it's long past time we got warm weather and sunshine again. I have still been super busy, running the farm and working at a new job so you'll have to forgive my lack of updates. So here's the state of things:. Email is still hosed, I'm about to give up on it. If you need me you can use my gmail account jadendreamer13@gmail.com.

New server seems to be working much better. I added RAM and CPU and I haven't seen any issues with shows running since.

Crickett is helping out with making sure shows run and special pics get posted. She is also going to be reviewing and picking our new newspaper managers.

If you're interested in applying for newspaper manager you need to. Applications are due on April 30th.

We have be having an issue with upgrades going through because the server we use for payments has been going down a lot. I'm testing new server software on it and it's been pretty unstable. If you want to upgrade and it doesn't go through or you get an error message please email me at jadendreamer13@gmail.com and I can send you a PayPal invoice. Hey guys, I wanted to let you know that the server has been successfully upgraded to a bigger and faster server with more CPU, RAM and disk space. Hopefully this will fix a lot of the issues we have been having with the CRON not running at night and the new shows not being created like they are supposed to. If you notice any big issues (horse photos are still missing right now) please email me and let me know. I took a backup before I upgraded us so I can restore it if anything is missing.

Hey guys, we've been having issues with the server lately because we're running out of disk space on the server we are currently using. That's one of the reasons that shows haven't been running consistently or have been hanging up at night. So, I'm going to upgrade us to a larger server on Wednesday 22nd. That will mean the game will be down for some or all of the day during the server change. You wll also notice that your pictures on your horses may be missing - this is because I've removed them for now to make sure the server has enough space to keep running until wednesday.

I will have the game re-generate them after we move to the bigger server. Thanks for your patience and understanding!

Hey guys, my email has not been working again so I'm going to give out my personal email until it does. If you need to contact me you can use.I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been really busy at work and trying to find a new job again. I'm hoping things will settle down soon.

In the meantime, I've fixed some shows and races that were stuck on December 31st and I have a new feature coming for the racing register that will allow you to reset your brand. I should have that up sometime today. Wow, I can't believe it's been 3 months since I last wrote a newspaper post!

So I wanted to fill you all in on my brief haitus. At the end of June I foundout that my company was closing down our building and asking us to move to a new state. Which of course meant that I had to find a new job ASAP because I hadno intentions of selling the new farm I bought recently.

At the same time I got an assignment at work that was 10 weeks of working with another company which meantI was away more and had longer days than normal (I'm talking some days with a 5 hour commute!!!!). On top of that and looking for a new job my computer is broken (mousepad is stuck in right click mode), one of ourservers is being email bombed and I had to shut down the email service completely, and I haven't beenable to use anything other than my phone which is horrible for trying to update this newspaper on our servers. Long story short, I've found a new job and thingsare starting to settle down in my crazy schedule and I'll have enough money for a new laptop soon. That being said, I'm sorry for the delay in email responses and I'mworking my way through them over the next few days. We had a few weeks where PayPal was not creating upgrades properly so if you paid for an upgrade and it has notappeared on your account please let me know so I can get that corrected or refund your money if you'd like a refund instead. 'I have been really committed to White Oak Stables and like it so much because of the fact that it allows me to feel a sense of owning a real horse. I don't own my own horse, so it's been really hard dealing with that.

However, on White Oak Stables, I can have as many horses as I wish, and they can be the best. There are no limits on money; I can always earn more. My horses on White Oak Stables are excellent and they are very real to me- the closest that I have.' 'Because I work, live, train, and show at a stable, as well as owning and training many horses, I have fun going on WOS to show and train my horses just like I do every day, except it's much easier on line!' 'It is very realistic which is great as that's the whole point of the game.

The treats, tack and riding settings are great as people have to work things out and work hard to try and find events and the settings of how to ride then they have to get the best take and treats so the horse does well.' 'it is a very well organized and challenging game yet enjoyable at the same time. There is a variety of breeds and options for your stable such as breeding, racing and rescue stables.

This was the feature that originally attracted me to the game, besides my love of horses.' 'On White Oak Stables, you can't just leave for a month and expect to have all your horses waiting there for you. In real life, just as it is in the game, the horses are rescued if you do not feed them or otherwise care for them. Also, if you don't train them, they can never become better.' 'It's incredibly realistic. It doesn't allow the strange crossbreeds most sites seem to flourish with. True horse colors and markings are shown, unlike certain sites where there's are custom colors or people get to simply put in the color of the horse.

Its a quality safe site that you can learn about horses on.' 'White Oak Stables helps me a lot because I know that I can come home and log on to talk to all of my friends here, who I can be myself with and no one cares what I look like. I have made so many friends in the over a year that I've been playing on WOS, and I continue to make them all the time.' 'People help you when you don't know or understand something and they also make shows for you or give you Christmas and birthday presents which make you feel special.' 'I found the other players very helpful and kind and I picked up game concepts quickly, which isn't always the case with more complicated games.

I immediately enjoyed the atmosphere of the game and was instantly addicted. Even though it takes a lot of hard work and undying dedication, you don't have to spend countless hours online everyday, so White Oak Stables is great for those of us with very busy lifestyles too.' 'Another thing that I love about this game is that you must work with other players to get to the top. For example, you must buy quality stock, breed with other lines, and use peoples race tracks to create an successful stable. As well as this, the unpleasant players in the game are quickly weeded out of the game because they lack the responsibility of taking care of their horses. I also love the fact that there is a newspaper with a comments section so the users of WOS can learn more about other stables horses and make friends with other players.'

'Its member friendly, people are willing to help one another make choices and help out. Unlike other sim sites I've been on, people are respectable towards others they don't agree with.' 'I like it because I have met so many nice people from all over theworld. The first time I went into the chat and was desperate for help because another member had steered me in the total wrong direction, there were many there who jumped right in to help me. They walked me through the process of getting my main horse trained so I could get myself back on my feet. It is these members who have made White Oak Stable what it is for me today. I like it that I have made many friends of all different ages.

From ten years my junior to ten plus years my senior, White Oak Stable is an excellent place for people from all walks of life to gather and discuss our common ground, a love of all horses.' 'The best thing I think about WOS is the newspaper. It keeps players up to date right off to what's happening, and we can actually see other peoples opinions. Its a complex, and yet easy site for novice and top players to enjoy.

Virtual Horse Games

I love the work that's been done on the site. Thank you for just the opportunity to be involved in the game!' (Photo courtesy of Rhett Savoie)Jane Savoie is a member of the U.S. Equestrian Team, having represented the USA internationally in Canada, Holland, Belgium, France and Germany.She's won United States Dressage Federation Bronze, Silver and Gold medals. In addition she was the reserve rider for the Bronze medal winningOlympic Dressage Team in Barcelona and long listed by the United States Equestrian Team with Genaldon, Jolicoeur and Zapatero.Winner of nine Horse of the Year awards. Winner of three National Freestyle Championships.Jane has coached at three Olympic Games.

Horse Games To Buy

In 1996, Jane coached the Canadian 3-Day Event Team at the Olympics in Atlanta.Jane coached several Three Day Event Riders from the United States, Canada and Belgium in preparation for the 2000 Olympics in Sydney,Australia. While in Sydney, she also coached United States Dressage Team member, Susan Blinks. With Jane's guidance, Sue and her horse,Flim Flam, were able to help secure the team Bronze medal. This victory was particularly meaningful because Jane has helped Sue withFlim since he was three years old.In 2004, Jane once again accompanied the Canadian Three Day Event team to the Olympics. This time the competition was in Athens, Greece.Under her watchful eye, several of the riders achieved their personal best for their dressage scores and finished tenth as a team.Find more articles, watch instructional videos and purchase her books and DVDs at:.