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Navigation System41Accord 2D4DKA 31TA5840If desired, rotate theInterface Dialknobto change the map scale. When youhave the crosshairs in the desired icon,map feature, or road, push in on theInterface Dial. The address of thelocation will appear at the top of thescreen.NOTE:The selected icon or road segment isdisplayed on the 1/2 mile (800 meter) orless map scale.If this is the desired address, push in onthe Interface Dial again. If not, use theInterface Dial to reposition thecrosshairs, then push in on theInterface Dial again to display the newaddress. If you select a single icon or roadsegment within the target mark, thefollowing screen appears. SelectSet asDest.

To calculate a route to the selecteddestination.If you select multiple icons within thecursor radius, the following screenappears. Select an item from the list.Then select OK to calculate a route tothe selected destination.Showing the Map of CityWith the City selection, the displaychanges to the Enter city name screen.When you have entered the desired city,the display changes to a map.

Thestarting location will be the centralposition in the selected city.See Showing the Map of CurrentPosition on page 40 for instructions onfinding and entering your desireddestination.Entering a Destination00Accord 2D4DKA.book 41 ページ 2011年7月21日 木曜日 午後1時59分IntroIndexHomeSECEntering a Destination2012 Accord. 42Navigation SystemAccord 2D4DKA 31TA5840Entering a DestinationShowing the Map of StateWith the State selection, the displaychanges to the Select a state screen.After you select the desired state, thedisplay changes to a map of the state,with the crosshairs located near themiddle.The yellow box indicates the area youwill see when you cl ick on the currentmap with the Interface Dial. The scalewill decrease each time you push in onthe Interface Dial, until Select adestination appears at the top of thescreen. Use theInterface Dial to move thecrosshairs to the area of the state closeto your intended destination. If desired,rotate the Interface Dial knob tochange the map scale. When you havethe crosshairs in the desired area, pushin on the Interface Dial.

The addressof the location you have selected willappear at the top of the screen.NOTE:The selected icon or road segment isdisplayed on the 1/2 mile (800 meter) orless map scale. If this is the desired address, push in ontheInterface Dial again. If not, use theInterface Dial to reposition thecrosshairs, then push in on theInterface Dial again to display the newaddress.If you selected a single icon or roadsegment, select Set as Dest. Tocalculate a route to the selecteddestination. If you selected multipleicons within the cursor radius, select anitem from the list.

Then select OK tocalculate a route to the selecteddestination.00Accord 2D4DKA.book 42 ページ 2011年7月21日 木曜日 午後1時59分IntroIndexHomeSECEntering a Destination2012 Accord. Navigation System43Accord 2D4DKA 31TA5840Entering a DestinationShowing the Map of ContinentalUSAWith the Continental USA selection,the display changes to:The yellow box indicates the area youwill see when you cl ick on the currentmap with the Interface Dial. The scalewill decrease each time you push in onthe Interface Dial, until Select adestination appears at the top of thescreen.Use the Interface Dial to move thecrosshairs to the area of the countryclose to your intended destination. Thenpush in on the Interface Dial.If desired, rotate theInterface Dialknob to change the map scale.

Whenyou have the crosshairs on the desiredicon, map feature, or road, push in onthe Interface Dial. The address of thelocation you have selected will appear atthe top of the screen.NOTE:The selected icon or road segment isdisplayed on the 1/2 mile (800 meter) orless map scale.If this is the desired address, push in onthe Interface Dial again. If not, use theInterface Dial to reposition thecrosshairs, then push in on theInterface Dial again to display the newaddress.If you selected a single icon or roadsegment, select Set as Dest. Tocalculate a route to the selecteddestination. If you selected multipleicons within the cursor radius, select anitem from the list. Then select OK tocalculate a route to the selecteddestination.By Today’s DestinationsYou can create a “trip” by combining upto five destinations previously selectedon the Calculate route to screen.Select Today’s Destinations fromthe MENU screen ( Enter destinationby ) and the display changes to:NOTE:If Today’s Destinations is grayedout, there are no To day’s Destinationsentered.00Accord 2D4DKA.book 43 ページ 2011年7月21日 木曜日 午後1時59分IntroIndexHomeSECEntering a Destination2012 Accord. 44Navigation SystemAccord 2D4DKA 31TA5840Entering a DestinationEditing Today’s Destinations ListIf you change your plans, you canmodify the Today’s Destinations listorder by distance or order of entry.Say or select Sort by Entry to sort thelist by the entry order, and say or selectSort by Distance to sort the list by thedistance order.

To delete a destination,say or select DELETE and the displaychanges to the Select a destination todelete screen. Select the destination todelete. Say or select DONE to performthe deletion, and the display returns tothe previous screen. To cancel thedeletion, press the CANCEL button.NOTE:For information on the available voicecommands, see Voice Command Indexon page 140.Adding Destinations to the ListAfter you have used any of the otherselections from the MENU screen(Enter destination by ) to select adestination, the display changes to:To add this to the Today’s Destinationslist, select ADD TO Today’s Dest.NOTE:If ADD TO Today’s Dest. Is grayedout, the Today’s Des tinations list isalready full (five destinations have beenstored). The display then changes to show youall the current entries on the Today’sDestinations list. SelectDONE to returnto the MENU screen ( Enterdestination by ).The system automatically sorts thedestinations stored in the Today’sDestinations list for the best path.If the displayed list shows your plans,select the first destination.

The systemwill guide you to the destinationaccording to the order of the list. Whenyou reach the destination, it will beautomatically removed from the list.00Accord 2D4DKA.book 44 ページ 2011年7月21日 木曜日 午後1時59分IntroIndexHomeSECEntering a Destination2012 Accord. Navigation System45Accord 2D4DKA 31TA5840Entering a DestinationNOTE:When finishing a “Today’sDestinations” trip, the Today’sDestinations list entries are stored tothe Previous Destinations list,beginning with the date (e.g., item 1shown below). This entry contains allthe destinations that were included inthe Today’s Destinations itinerary.

Thisallows you to resele ct the entire Today’sDestinations content at a later date.By Go HomeSelecting Go Home from the MENUscreen ( Enter destination by ) takesyou home or to a frequently usedaddress you have chosen.If a Go Home PIN has been set, thesystem prompts you to enter your PIN.Say or enter your PIN. The system willthen display the Calculate route toscreen (see Driving to Your Destinationon page 46).If a Go Home PIN has not been set, thesystem displays the Calculate route toscreen after you select Go Home (seeDriving to Your Destination onpage 46). NOTE: To edit Home Address, seeHomeAddress in System Setup on page 83. Prior to departure, you can set areas to avoid.

The system then includesthem in its calculations for thedestination you have entered. SeeEdit Avoid Area on page91. PINs are optional. If you choose to use a PIN, make sure you rememberit.

If you forget your PIN, your dealerwill have to reset it for you. If a PIN is desired, enter it using the Personal preference PIN numberfeature in SETUP. See page 83 forinformation on entering your PINnumber.00Accord 2D4DKA.book 45 ページ 2011年7月21日 木曜日 午後1時59分IntroIndexHomeSECEntering a Destination2012 Accord.

46Navigation SystemAccord 2D4DKA 31TA5840Driving to Your DestinationDriving to Your DestinationA route typically has three phases. Initial route calculation (Calculateroute to screen) (see page 46). Change the route while en route (see page 65). Resume the route when restarting the engine (see Continue Trip Screen onpage 69).Calculate Route to ScreenSay or select OK. The system calculatesthe route using the method shown on thescreen (see Map Screen on page49).NOTE: Prior to departure, you can set areas to avoid. The system then includesthem in its calculations for thedestination you have entered.

SeeEdit Avoid Area on page91. For information on the availablevoice commands, see VoiceCommand Index on page140. Further selections from theCalculateroute to screen include:ADD TO Address BookAllows you to add the destination toyour Address Book. See By AddressBook on page 27.NOTE:If EDIT Address Book is displayed,the destination is alre ady stored in yourAddress Book.

You can edit the addressin your Address Book by selecting thisbutton. For informat ion on editing yourAddress Book, see Address Book onpage 79.ADD TO Today’s DestinationsAllows you to add the destination toyour Today’s Destinations list. See ByToday’s Destinations on page43.NOTE:If the button is grayed out, the Today’sDestinations list is already full (fivedestinations have been stored).CALLDials the number on the screen whenavailable. See Bluetooth®HandsFreeLink® on page 18.00Accord 2D4DKA.book 46 ページ 2011年7月21日 木曜日 午後1時59分IntroIndexHomeSECDriving to Your Destination2012 Accord. Navigation System47Accord 2D4DKA 31TA5840Driving to Your DestinationChanging Routing MethodThe system lets you select the way youwant to drive to your destination. Beforeselecting OK to calculate a route, youcan change the routing method bymoving the Interface Dial down.

Theroute choices will appe ar in the addressbox.NOTE:When you are en route and want tochange the routing method, press theMENU button, and select ChangeMethod on the MENU screen ( Route). “Direct Route” (the factory default) isthe route that is the quickest (leasttime) and is usually the best choice. Ifyou choose any other method, itbecomes the new default for all futurerouting. Make sure to check therouting method if the displayed routeis not what you expected to see. “Easy Route” produces a route with the least turns. “Maximize Freeways,” “Minimize Freeways,” and “Minimize TollRoads” are also available.NOTE:If the trip is greater than 100 miles, then“Minimize Freeways” and “MinimizeToll Roads” may be gr ayed out. This isnormal. The generated route may not be theroute you would choose. For safetyreasons, the system generally applies thefollowing rules to your route: It tries to avoidshortcuts throughresidential areas. Right turns are favored over left turns or U-turns. Restricted turns (turns that cannot be made during certain hours) are notused for routing.00Accord 2D4DKA.book 47 ページ 2011年7月21日 木曜日 午後1時59分IntroIndexHomeSECDriving to Your Destination2012 Accord. 48Navigation SystemAccord 2D4DKA 31TA5840Viewing the RoutesSelecting View Routes on theCalculate route to screen allows you toscroll through and view the variousroutes (Direct, Easy, MaximizeFreeways, etc.) to your destination.


Ifyou select View Routes, the displaychanges to:NOTE: You may only view routes as shownabove from the Calculate route toscreen. The selected route method is shown at the top of the screen.  It may take several minutes (thesystem displays an hourglass while itis calculating) to show all routemethods, and it is not unusual for thedifferent methods to pick the sameroute. Voice commands cannot beused while the system is calculating. If the trip is greater than 100 miles, then “Minimize Toll Roads” and“Minimize Freeways” may be grayedout. This is normal.Based on the route data, you can changethe routing method by rotating theInterface Dial knob. Once youconfirm your selection, say the numberof the desired routing method or push inon the Interface Dial.NOTE:Distances and times shown for eachmethod in the Summary areapproximate.

After calculating the route with the newmethod, the system displays a map ofyour current location. The calculatedroute will be highlighted as a blue line,and a voice prompt will tell you how toproceed along the highlighted route.Push in on theInterface Dial andselect Voice to have the guidancerepeated.Driving to Your Destination00Accord 2D4DKA.book 48 ページ 2011年7月21日 木曜日 午後1時59分IntroIndexHomeSECDriving to Your Destination2012 Accord. Navigation System49Accord 2D4DKA 31TA5840Driving to Your DestinationViewing the Destination Map Selecting View Dest. Map displays amap of the destination vicinity. Press theCANCEL or NAVI BACK button toreturn.

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You can view the destinationmap anytime while en route by saying,“Display destination map.”Map ScreenWhen you select OK on the Calculateroute to screen, the map screenappears, showing your highlighted routein real time.Route LineWhen driving to a destination onverified roads in a metropolitan area, theroute line is displayed as a blue line.When driving in rural areas onunverified streets (light brown color),the route line changes to either a bluedotted “vector line” pointing to yourdestination, or a blue-pink line. SeeUnverified Area Routing on page87 fora detailed explanation of how to enableunverified routing, and the relatedcautions and disclaimers.NOTE:You can always view the entire route bysimply saying, “Dis play entire route.” “Vector line” (unverified routing off)Blue-pink unverified route line(unverified routing on)00Accord 2D4DKA.book 49 ページ 2011年7月21日 木曜日 午後1時59分IntroIndexHomeSECDriving to Your Destination2012 Accord.

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Metro Auto has an excellent customer service, I appreciate how they value their customers and I have to admit they made an outstanding job. I want to thank John G. For making everything possible.

The selected extension is just used as dialog filter.CompatibilityPaint.NET 3.5.11 and 4.0.5Supported languages.EnglishKnown issues.If the file contains color cycles with different frequencies then only the frames for the first color cycle will be generated. This marker is recognized by the PDNAnimator tool and can be used to transform the animation in a more modern file format (like APNG).AuthorMartin OsiekaDownloadFind the latest version of the plugin here InstallationFollow the instructions carefully.Copy the file ImIFF.FileType.dll to the Paint.NETFileTypes folder.Remove other plugins supporting the same file types (.iff,.ilbm,.lbm,.anim) from Paint.NETFileTypes folder (to avoid possible conflicts) I.e. 'PDNIFFPLUGIN.dll' plugin.After a restart of Paint.NET you will find two new entries in the file types popup of the 'Open' dialog:.IFF Images (.iff,.ilbm,.lbm).IFF-Animations (.anim).Be aware any of these extensions may load all kinds of supported IFFs. If a layer is not marked with!ST then the time of the previous frame will be assumed. Iff file converter.

He worked with me since the day I shopped for a car.John's Customer Service is excellent, he helped me through since day one. When he says it will get done, it will be done, simple as that. I like that about him.Also Big Boss Sal, I want to thank him for everything, he is always very welcoming, he got my G35 serviced and got me new parts and I'm very satisfied and very happy one Infiniti G35 owner, no lie.I also want to thank Sir Willy, I give him a lot of credit too for putting all time, effort on my car. Exceptional mechanical work, Thank you soo much Sir Willy.Last but not the least, Alex made an impact on Customer Service as well, great customer service and I will never forget how he made me feel.

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Elias was our salesman all I can say he is top notch he is very polite, knowledgeable and very honest and as he promised my wife that he will do his best he really did. I do recommend any to give them a try because you won’t be disappointed. Thank you Elias and Top Car for making my wife and I happy for our new car. We will soon do more business. Bought 2014 GS 350 with 23,300 miles. Nice car and good price for the miles. I like the no pressure sale.

They were nice and helpful. I inspected the car for about an hour since I used to be in the auto Industry and have a good idea of what to look for. I was not pressured or rushed. Once It passed my inspection I took it for a spin and again they were flexible. As part of my test drive I like to go through freeways, city streets and preferably rough roads to hear for any weird sounds or rattles.