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How To Export Each Page Of Indesign As Pdf

.EDIT: CS6 To the rescue! The CS6 Interactive PDF Export offers a Pages or Spreads selection option. Hallelujah!.I have a 500 page InDesign file that I made in CS4 that is intended to be both printed and used in Acrobat with interactive features, including hyperlinks, bookmarks, and buttons.

In CS4 I was able to export print and interactive versions of it perfectly. However, CS5’s new PDF export is split into different dialogs for print and interactive, and neither one of them provides the necessary functionality.CS5’s PDF(print) export dialog allows bookmarks and hyperlinks, but does not allow buttons to function (it has options to either exclude them or include their appearance only).CS5’s PDF(interactive) export always exports your document as spreads if you have facing pages turned on! After searching around I found a on that can turn off the export as spreads, so that the PDF(interactive) export will create single pages for a facing pages layout. However, I discovered something that is not documented on InDesignSecrets, or anywhere else that I could find:If you use the script to turn off the export as spreads feature then ALL BUTTONS DISAPPEAR FROM THE EXPORTED PDF!I tested this in a simple new InDesign document after resetting my preferences just to be sure. I’ve also tested it in CS 5.5 with the same results.

If you have any buttons in your file and you export using PDF(Interactive) after using the script to disable the export as spreads option, your buttons will not be included in the PDF. Use the script to turn spreads back on, and the buttons reappear.So the only option now is to make two versions of the file. The online version will have facing pages turned off and I”ll make an updated master page for it that is the same on every page. The print version will be in facing pages. FOLLOW-UP: I made a copy of the file and used my own method to split it to single pages, which only took me about half an hour. It just frustrates me that this step now has to be taken, whereas it worked perfectly in CS4.

It took me 1.5 hours to troubleshoot the PDF export problem and get to the bottom of it before I decided to just make another copy of the file and break it apart.If anyone is interested, this is what I did to make a single pages version of my 500 page document with new headers/footers and centered page margins in only 30 minutes:1. Turned on Layout Adjustment (in the layout menu) as I would be changing margins and I wanted the content to move when I changed them.2. Changed the document to single rather than facing pages.3.

Changed my margins on my main master page so that the content is centered on the page but the text block is exactly the same width so that no text reflow occurs. I only have a few master pages, because I use text variables to display most of my headers/footers. Also, all of my master pages are based on a main master that controls basic placement of headers and the margins, so I only had to change margins once and the entire document updated (Granted, InDesign crashed the first time I tried to do this!)4.

Redid the header/footers of my master pages so that they display all relevant header/footer information all on a single page rather than across a spread. Since I use text variables to display most of the information in my header/footer, I only had 2 master pages to worry about.Of course, the inevitable happened. The client came back with a list of last minute changes, and I had to go through BOTH DOCUMENTS and make every change TWICE:-/ Hopefully by the time I have to update this file for 2013-2014 this problem will be fixed so I can go back to just using the same file for both print and PDF!.BUG.When I export pages of a magazine as an interactive PDF with forward and back buttons at the bottom, the PDF shows the pages in SPREADS even though I have selected “single pages” in the setup box. If I change the magazine document to single pages in the doc. Setup, I get single pages in the PDF BUT I lose all the elements that were once on the facing page — in this case the BACK button.

Plus the page numbers & headers are on the wrong side of the odd #’ed pages. I need all pages as SINGLE pages but with BOTH the Forward & Back buttons showing. I was able to do this easily in the older version of InDesign. What happened?? How can I get a 36-page magazine to show up as single pages with both the forward & the back button on each page?

Deborah,I might need some clarification, but let me respond generally. If you export the PDF using PDF(print), you should be able to get your single pages, but then your buttons will not work. If you export using PDF(interactive), your buttons will work, but your facing pages will export as spreads, and there is no option in the interactive export to choose “single pages.” This certainly is very frustrating; CS5s split PDF export has caused no end of headaches.Many of us like you have had to make alternate versions of our documents for online use that turn off facing pages.

It’s not a simple thing; turning off facing pages will cause major layout changes to your document. Because of this, I end up finishing the print version of my layout, then once it’s completely finished I make a copy of my file and convert it into the online version.

It is very frustrating to me that this is necessary, because in CS4 I did not have to do this. However, it is true that for online use the document does look better centered margins, with the page numbers not switching from side to side ever other page, etc.When you turn off facing pages, all your pages will revert to use only the left page of your master spread(s). I’m guessing that all the items that are disappearing from your layout are on the righthand master page, but I can’t be sure without clarification from you. If this is the case, it makes total sense, because your non-facing pages layout can only use the left page of your original two-page master spread. What I usually do is I redesign my master page for the online version of the document to be a single page on which all necessary items appear, rather than alternating every other page as would be done in a book with facing pages.

I hope this makes sense to you — a single master page with all navigation, not a left and right master page, made exclusively for the online version of the document. The print version (if you need one) would be preserved in a separate document.If my explanation does not adequately answer your question, feel free to contact me.

Adobe Indesign Export To Pdf

Open the “Layers” palette (Window Layers) - this will show all items in the layout2. If all the elements in your layout are not showing, scroll open the arrow next to “Layer 1” in your Layers palette:Image 2 Layers Palette in Adobe InDesign; special emphasis given to the arrow symbol next to the words 'Layer 1'.3. Ungroup any and all groups - this will allow you to move items into the proper order without visibility issues (Object Ungroup)Image 3 Design object selected in InDesign illustrating a 'grouped' set of objects; File menu choice Object Ungroup is highlighted to show how to ungroup a set of objects.o NOTE: if you do not see any tags in the tag panel, you may have to. Add to images (Figures)6. Select a tagged figure in your document7. Choose ObjectObject Export OptionsImage 9 InDesign file menu; select 'Object Export Options' in the 'Object' menu to add alternative descriptions for screen readers.8.

Select the heading “Alt Text” in the popup window9. Select “Custom” from the dropdown menuImage 10 Object Export Options dialogue box in InDesign; use the drop-down menu under the Alt Text tab to choose 'Custom'.10. Choose FileFile InfoImage 18 File Menu in InDesign; Choose 'File Info.' Under 'File' to open the File Info dialogue box.14.

Add a descriptive title in the “Document Title” fieldImage 19 File Information dialogue box; At minimum, enter the Document Title information in the first form field.o OPTIONAL: Enter other information about your file15. Choose FileExport and enter the name of your file into the “Save” dialog boxImage 20 File menu in InDesign; Choose 'Export.' Under 'File' to save the current layout to PDF.16.

Select which folder you want to save the file to17. Choose “Adobe PDF (Interactive)” from the dropdown menuImage 21 Export dialogue box in Adobe InDesign; emphasis given to the selection 'Adobe PDF (Interactive)' in the “Format” dropdown menu.18. Select “Save”19. In the Export to PDF dialog box, under Options, make sure “Create Tagged PDF” and “Use Structure for Tab Order” have check marks next to themImage 22 Export to Interactive PDF dialogue window in InDesign; Special emphasis placed on 'Create Tagged PDF' and 'Use Structure for Tab Order' check boxes, which should be selected.20. Select “Export” and InDesign saves the PDF file21.

Navigate to where you saved your fileo Make a copy of the file as a backup. NOTE: The only way to undo in Adobe Acrobat is to reverse your action, close the file and not save, or start over with your original exported document. By working on a copy of the file, you preserve your original export in case you make a mistake.22. Open your PDF file in Adobe Acrobat Professional DC. Open your file in Adobe Acrobat Professional DC (The free version, Adobe Acrobat Reader, will NOT work in this case.)24. Select the “Tools” submenu/tabImage 23 Accessible Presentation Example PDF opened in Adobe Acrobat Professional DC; emphasis placed on the 'Tools' tab.25. Scroll to the subhead “Protect & Standardize”; select “Accessibility”Image 24 Tools tab submenu in Adobe Acrobat Professional DC; Emphasis placed on the 'Protect & Standardize' subheading and the 'Accessibility' selection option.o You should now see your document with a set of accessibility tool options on the right-hand sideImage 25 Accessible Presentation Example PDF opened in Adobe Acrobat Professional DC; Accessibility Submenu choices emphasized.

Consolidate tags o The numbers and corresponding boxes are all individual elements translated from InDesign. Sometimes, text does not translate as a single block element.27. To clean this up, place cursor over the number until it changes to a hand and click to select the box. Hold the “Shift” key down and click the additional number(s) to select the elements(s) you’d like to combine in the same manner.28.

Export Single Page Indesign

With the boxes still selected, in the Touch Up Reading Order submenu, select the button that best describes your content (in this case, it was “Text”). The numbers and boxes should now combine into one.o NOTE: Sometimes, the boxes you select will highlight in blue and sometimes it will remain grey. Clean up reading ordero Since we went to so much work in InDesign to make sure the layers were in the correct order, the reading order probably will not have to be revised. Look through your document, though, to make sure everything reads in the proper order.29. If you need to revise reading order, select “Show order panel” in the “Touch up Reading Order” window.

The “Order” touch up panel opens to the left of the document.Image 28 A tagged PDF layout in Adobe Acrobat Professional; Emphasis placed on the 'Show Order Panel' button that when selected displays the” Order” panel, also emphasized on the left.o The numbers next to each container in the list correspond to each element in your layout.Image 29 Detailed view of the Order Panel; emphasis is on layer number 5, which corresponds to the item labelled '5' in the PDF layout.30. Click and hold the element you would like to move.

Drag up or down to the desired location in the reading order. (The line shows you where you can place it.)Image 30 Detail of the 'Order Panel'; grab and drag layers up or down into a different slot to change the reading order.o Drop the element in the desired reading order and it will re-number according to where you dropped your element..NOTE: In some cases, the text will disappear behind a graphical element when you re-order.

To avoid this, you must make sure your layers are arranged in correct reading order in InDesign before you export to PDF.Image 31 Detailed look at what happens when layer order conflicts with reading order; If the layers are not correctly aligned in InDesign, the layout might be negatively altered. To avoid this, you may need to go back to your original InDesign layout and adjust.o NOTE (continued): If this happens, you will have to reverse what you just did, close your document without saving and re-open it, or open the originally exported copy. THERE IS NO “UNDO” option currently available in Acrobat Professional. In some cases, it might be necessary to re-visit your original layout in InDesign and re-export a new PDF.31.

When you are finished, close the Order panel.Image 32 Detailed look at the Order Panel; use the 'X' to close the panel. O The accessibility tool options still should appear on the right-hand side menu. (If not, Select the “Tools” submenu/tab; scroll to the subhead “Protect & Standardize”; select “Accessibility”.)32. Select “Full Check” to open the “Accessibility Checker Options” dialogue box.Image 33 PDF layout in Adobe Acrobat Professional; emphasis placed on 'Full Check' option in the accessibility tool options submenu that, when selected, will open the 'Accessibility Checker Options' dialogue box.33. Select all categories34.

Select the “Start Checking” button; the dialogue box will close, but the “Accessibility” window will now be apparent on the left side of the document.Image 34 PDF layout in Adobe Acrobat Professional; emphasis placed on the 'Start Checking' button that, when selected will open the 'Accessibility' window on the left side of the layout. If your document has issues, the section header will be highlighted in bold; fix any known issueso NOTE: To expand the highlighted issues, click on the arrow and the list will scroll open.Image 35 Detailed view of the Accessibility window after the Accessibility Checker was activated; activating the arrows will scroll open individual issues and issue reveal details. This document has two errors: “Logical reading order - Needs Manual Check”.1. We’ve already manually checked the reading order and know that it is ok “Color contrast - Needs manual check”1.

Split Indesign Pages Into Separate Files

Download a, or spot check the colors on the document using an online.36.