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:For full-screen mode to work properly when embedding the Windows Media Player control, the video display area must have a height and width of at least one pixel. If the BSTR specified in IWMPPlayer::putuiMode is set to 'mini' or 'full', the height of the control itself must be 65 pixels or greater to accommodate the video display area in addition to the user interface.This assumes that the player is already properly initialized as ActiveX control. In your code, you simply create a COM object without doing any ActiveX Control initialization. Presumably the player detects this and reports error.Your hr in respective putfullScreen call should have 0xC00D0FD2 NSEWMPOCXNOACTIVECORE 'The requested method or property is not available because the Windows Media Player ActiveX control has not been properly activated.' To indicate the problem.

Hi,Sorry to reply so late.Now if someone can help me find the WMPHost sample that I referred to in the original post and is referred to in various places as being in the SDK, I would appreciate it. I have the SDK for Visual Studio 2013 installed. Still can't find it. I thinkit may be in an older SDK?

How would I find that?For this issue, we can know from that the Windows SDK for Windows 7 and.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 contains the sample you need.The download links below for your reference.Hope this can help you.MayWe are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.Click to participate the survey. Hi,Which version of visual studio did you use?

Schoolmate english. Schoolmate meaning: a friend who is at the same school as you at the same time.

Did you create the project with ATL support? You can take a look at the similar thread below for reference.As far as I know, there are several different ways to use the Windows Media Player control in a C program. You can create an instance of the control in a console application, or you can embed the control in a Windows application. Also, you can implementinterfaces that enable you to run an embedded Player control in remote mode. You can customize the user interface of an embedded control by applying a skin definition file. More about different ways, please refer to this link:About the examples, the Windows Media Player SDK includes a variety of samples that demonstrate many of the programming techniques. Scripting samples demonstrate how to embed the Player ActiveX control in a webpage.

Windvd Mfc Application Error

May, thank you for your help. My problem appears to be exacly the same as in the first link you provided.

Microsoft mfc tutorial

How do you install ALT support for an MFC application? I cannot find a checkbox for that in the wizard.As for installing the SDK, which I would very much like to do, Microsoft has completely muffed the processes and befuddled me as to how this can be accomplished. If I go to the link you provided to the SDK, there is a link for 'installnow' on that page. When I click on that, I get: 'We are sorry, the page you requested cannot be found.' If someone can help me with process, I would appreciate it.Finally, the other link you provided:is exactly the place I found the code I have posted here which you can get by clicking on the link:'on that page. How do I post a full project? If that's what you want, the MFC app I created is here:to reproduce my error, start the Visual Studio project wizard, choose MFC Application, then for options, choose Single Document, MFC Standard Project style, use MFC in static library, keep other items as default on this page, then 'finish'to take all the rest defaults.Next, follow the instructions in instructions are summarized as follows:1.

Add#include 'wmp.h'#include #include #include #include to the view header file.2. Declare member variables, as follows to the view class. Thank you very much. That fixed the code issue.

I understand the issue with creating a new player each time the OnDraw message is issued, but I just needed a placeholder until I got the problem solved. The program I am working on will sometimes display animage and sometimes a movie, so I may just see if I can hide/unhide the Media player. (Code to do that is welcome).Now if someone can help me find the WMPHost sample that I referred to in the original post and is referred to in various places as being in the SDK, I would appreciate it. I have the SDK for Visual Studio 2013 installed. Still can't find it.

I think it maybe in an older SDK? How would I find that? Hi,Sorry to reply so late.Now if someone can help me find the WMPHost sample that I referred to in the original post and is referred to in various places as being in the SDK, I would appreciate it. I have the SDK for Visual Studio 2013 installed. Still can't find it. I thinkit may be in an older SDK?

How would I find that?For this issue, we can know from that the Windows SDK for Windows 7 and.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 contains the sample you need.The download links below for your reference.Hope this can help you.MayWe are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.Click to participate the survey.