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.Today we’re happy to release a bug fixing patch for Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice on PlayStation 4 & PC that resolves a range of issues reported since launch. The patch includes fixes across potential progression stopping issues, audio, localisation, combat, gameplay and photo mode. In addition to bug fixes we have also made some small combat gameplay tweaks and added Russian subtitles to the Hellblade feature.We are continuing to monitor reports of issues in Hellblade and will be working on additional fixes for future updates. In particular we are investigating performance issues that players with AMD GPUs are seeing and are working towards a fix as quickly as we can.We’ll keep you updated on new patch news and thanks for all of the support so far! Please report any bugs toFull patch notes:Patch 1.01 Release NotesSummary: A bug fixing patch that addresses a range of bugs identified since launch. The patch fixes issues across general gameplay, combat, photo mode, localisation and audio. Is it possible to have the light attacks hit harder, I do not know if my game was glitched but Fenrir and valraven seemed to be damage sponges.

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It took each fight about 25 minutes as even though I was hammering the with light attacks they would not go down. Also it would be good to see some of the cheap shots the enemies get after forming into the arena.

Sacrifice Pc Game Patches

Don’t know how many times the camera would be focused on them but only the sword would be visible and in front of senua so that I cannot see it in the camera so they get a cheap shot before I realize that they have loaded in. Thank you for the patch.

(playing on PC, purchased from GOG)I’ve noticed that after the patch the vertical camera movement (while walking and running) has been unlocked. The only way to look up and down before being smoothly returned to the default position was to stop.In any other game I would appreciate that, but here I feel like it added a lot to the claustrophobic atmosphere. It gave the sense of depression and anxiety mixed with determination.Can we please have this back? Ipl roster for cricket 07 2017.

At least as an option in the settings?. You have removed the super annoying look-spring after all even though it’s not listed. I was so hoping this patch would address this number one issue I’ve had. We can finally fully enjoy these stunning visuals without struggling with camera controls.And you know what else would make the experience even more stunning? Smooth mouse movement.

This is exactly that kind of game that would benefit from smooth camera – artistically focused, not fast-paced run, aim and shoot. Mouse smoothness just like Vanishing of Ethan Carter has. That would elevate this game to another level.

The cut-scenes already have smooth camera so why keep the game-play choppy and shaky? It even fits perfectly for the hallucinogenic dizziness!But definitely the most lacking point of the game are the subtitles! They are made so badly that Loki’s wrath forced me to turn them off. They are causing more harm than good!

Sacrifice Pc Game Patch For Windows 7

I couldn’t stand how there are several long sentences displayed at single time for half a minute and I’ve read them five times already until the voice-over covers them all. Why for the love of Thor? That breaks immersion so heavily! Why not sync them with the narration as much as possible and display only parts at a time? And another subtitles’ failure.

Not even a half(!) of all whispers are captioned. Maybe like three of voices are captioned and the rest of 5 or 10 speaking for another half a minute have no captions at all! All over the places! That’s just huge problem not so much for English players but for localizations most definitely. If I was annoyed by subtitles while understanding the voice-over how much annoyed would be anyone who can definitely hear they are missing something. Or that they are staring and a huge chunk of text for half a minute unable to match the sentences with spoken words.

This is something that brings the experience way down below 50% for all non-English speakers. Please think about addressing this issue.And a cherry on top would be if you’d separate the various voices by special character like. or / or some special brackets. Because simple dots just make an impression of chronological continuation of single narrative and that is not the impression you’d aim for, right?Thank you for marvelous piece of art!. I still encountered some bugs. I downloaded, played and finished the game at the same day today.

SacrificeSacrifice Pc Game Patch

Here’s the list:– Hellblade Feature’s audio still out of sync.– Subtitles not match with the actual voice.– Subtitles still have typos.– Sometimes, subtitles don’t show properly at some time in the game. Although this can be fixed by pausing the game and play it again, I find it quite annoying.– Mouse sensitivity, can’t be adjusted manually? Because I find it too slow and uncomfortable.– When the inner voice of Senua still speaking and you interact with the rune/lore, sometimes the lore won’t be played or only fractions of the lore would be played.– Alright, here’s what I think is weird.

I set the game to play on full resolution. It played really well — too well, even — that I think the game doesn’t run at actual 4K UHD.

So, I set it to Windowed Borderless and I think it played at actual 4K UHD. But actually, why this issue exists in the first place? Also, when I already commit a setting configuration in the Option from the Main Menu, the game always prompts me to confirm my selection, albeit I didn’t change anything. It’s a weird and annoying issue.Advice on Improvement:– Progression, maybe? This game doesn’t offer level-up or characters progression at all.

I know this isn’t the main point of the game, but still.– Improved audio for PC speakers, as I prefer using speakers to headphones.– Faster running. Really, Senua runs really slow, I’d be bored if not for the — fortunately — astonishing view of the game itself.– Brighter at the part when you’re in the dark and you have to forge Gramr sword (The Story of Odin). Even at the Game Mode of my monitor — which actually very bright compared to actual sRGB, which is really helpful on almost all games I’ve played but not this one, unfortunately — this part gets annoyingly too dark.– Improved PC performance, if possible.– Save Games. This is really important; the idea that I’ll have to restart the whole game is nonsense albeit the enemies will be easier to kill. This sounds more like a developers’ laziness than challenge.– Hints. I have to admit, with the Senua’s running speed and the difficulty of the puzzle, I think you should dedicate a button or function to help gamers like me to be able to play this easily.

I haven’t checked whether this function is available yet, but if it has, ignore this. At least, give us a tutorial about all the buttons we’re going to use in the game itself.Overall, this game is beautiful and worth the price. But please, fix these issues I mentioned. I have a game halting bug. At the level with the green muddy atmosphere, where we chase Dillion to a house.

Sacrifice Pc Game Patch

My Senua won’t climb the ladder after I’ve solved the puzzle and revealed the ladder. I watched gameplays to make sure I wasn’t doing anything wrong.I loved this game and bought it 6 months ago. I come back to it every now and then & cannot play any further. I don’t want to start from the beginning. If the same bug happens again, I’ll lose lots of time.Please help me. I play it on a PS4 and sent you a detailed bug report some months ago. Can do it again, anything to help this game.It’s just ruined for me now and remained as a bad memory.

Please fix this 🙁.