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. Star Ocean: The Second Story Cheat Codes (for Playstation).Welcome to Video Game Chat forums - your guide to gaming!You are currently using our site as a guest which means you cannot access all of our features, such as downloading attachments. By joining our free community you will be able to participate in our community forums, contact members and much more. Registration takes under 1-minute and Video Game Chat is absolutely free so please today!.You can now directly donate to your favorite cheatengine table maker, game genie code maker or anyone really. More details areUsing a desktop instead of a mobile device? We have a skin chooser, found in the footer at the lower left to easily switch to a normal theme.

Claude's Best InstrumentClaude is the best at playing the Silver Trumpet, if anyone else plays it, you will have nad results. Stryker82. Claude's Favourite FoodAs you know, when you use someone's favourite food, they're HP, and MP recovers fully. Claude's favourite food is Steak.

This will save you some time of testing out food after food on every character. Stryker82. Dias Favourite FoodFeed Dias the Chicken Skewers for full HP and MP recovery. Stryker82. Dias's Best InstrumentDias is the second best at playing the Cembalo, if anyone else plays it, other than Ernest, you will not have good results.

Stryker82. Discovering TalentsWhen you learn the super specialty skill 'Orchestra', and have enough songs and instruments for each character, use this skill and for a shorttime, you will be able to create items without the necessary talents. (For Example: cooking without the talent 'Sense Of Smell'.) While thesong is playing, you will have the chance to learn a new talent by using your specialty skills. (For Example: While the orchestra song is playing,use the cooking 'Machinery' skill to learn the talents Dexterity and Sense of Design.).

Easy level gainEarly in the game, to make things easier, its best to levl off of some strong, yet able to kill monsters. When you go to Cross and get Celine head to the Cross cave and level to about 10. Leave the cave and go to the town of Mars just northeast of the Cross cave. Fighting in the forest outside of the town you will sometimes run into some hour glass creatures which give about 1,500 exp per battle. With the fol you earn after combat, buy your best equipment in Mars and also purchase the brigandine for Claude in the port town just east of Mars. Purchase the skills at the guild as well, they will come in handy to have them now.

When you are about level 15 to 20, head to the mountain north west of Cross Castle. On the mountain you will fight some very strong monsters, some of which could kill your party in one hit. Recharge as often as needed, and save often, head back to Cross to heal hp/mp as necessary. You also have a high chance of obtaining the Walloon sword. A very powerful weapon for Claude this early in the game. NickAddy.

Easy Level UpUse Reverse Side to make a forged medal, and then duplicate it as many times as you want to with Reproduction. The forged medals bring acharacter to 1 point under a level up. Easy MoneyWhen you get your Super Specialty Skill 'Master Chef' up to level 6 or higher, go to a store that sells fruits, vegetables, and egg/dairyproducts. But 20 of each, then go to Super Specialty Skills and choose 'Master Chef' in the item screen, then pick 1 fruit and 1 dairy. Everyother try or so (depending on your skill level) you should create 'Coconut Milk' which sells for overy 1000 Fol a piece!! You can also take 2vegetables and make 'Fried Vegetables' which sells for over 2000 Fol a piece!Keep creating the food until you run out of ingredients then go sell everything you created, buy more ingredients and do it again until you havethe desired amount of money you want. Easy MoneyTo perform this cheat you will need Ashton in your group.

Star Ocean 2nd Story Gameshark

When you first reach energy Nede, buy 20 Lotus Eaters meant for Ashton. Buy iron ore and make them into Orihalcum. Go to the next town and buy the instruments there. If you have bought all the instruments you can so far you should be able to learn some songs and open up the Orchestra ability.

Use it to up your chances of creating the Orihalcum and when you have the 20 you need. Continue using Orchestra and customize the Lotus Eaters with Orihalcum, you will create the Melufa which sell for 1.5 million fol apiece! To make even more money use the identify all skill and sell high for more cash. Do this as many times as desired for large sums of cash flow.

NickAddy. Easy Skill Level GainFor an easy way to level up skills, you need to level up the perserverance skill to level 10. After you do this, leveling up the other skills will bemuch easier.

Extra difficulty levels:Complete over 45% of the voice collection. Then aphrase will appear on the button in the right cornerof the screen.

Press this button to restart the game.Now new difficulty levels, including 'Universal'will be selectable. Monsters will have double the HPand attack power under the 'Universal' level.-Hidden Dungeon Tips:The Hidden dungeon is tough and interesting at thesame time. There a various enemies here that have aword in front of their name that are verytough.however, there are weapons normally uselessthat have that same word that wil kill the enemy withone hit.

Example: Lvl.99 Funny Thief.pretty tough,Lvl.99 Funny Thief when someone has the FunnySlayer.one hit kill. On the sixth level, there willbe a man who occasionally appears in the statue room.He sells very rare stuff, including all the raremetals, the real tri-emblem not the fake 'emplem',and items that can teleport you out of thedungeon.for you see, there are no save points,so if you are on level 13 of the dungeon and die,your screwed, so you must leave to save on occasion,and when you re-enter there will be methods of goingdown quickly, such as a trap door. The dungeon alsocontains very powerful equipment, including but notlimited to The Levantine Sword, Ashton's ultimateattack, Leon's ultimate attack, Celine's ultimateattack, the angel armband,several pair of bunnyshoes, and the valiant armor. As far as monsters go,from around level 3 onward, you may run into bossclass monsters as normal fights.you can even runinto the last boss of the dungeon as a normal enemy,so be careful.-Hidden Dungeon:Save in front of the last boss, and leave the finaldungeon. Proceed to fun city and talk to the old manin the back area of the colusseum. Say yes to allhis questions, and you'll be transported back toexpel, in Arlia. You'll notice two important thingsthat are different: 1.There is a penguin walkingaround where you appear, talk to him and call himsilly, he'll kick you back to Nede.

When youleave, there will be Synard waiting for you. Hop onit and head to the area you couldn't access withoutit, the dungeon should be glowing with a red dot.Land and enter. The special dungeon is very tough,much harder than the regular last Dungeon.in fact,you'll start out fighting harder enemies than yousaw in the normal last dungeon on the very firstfloor.-Priest's Password:In the demon's den there is a glass priest who asksyou for the special word necessary to get thecardkey. The password is 'APOCA'.-Easy Skill Level Gain:For an easy way to level up skills, you need to levelup the perserverance skill to level 10. After you dothis, leveling up the other skills will be mucheasier. For example making it where you can level upmost skills with just one Skill Point.-Easy Money:When you get your Super Specialty Skill 'Master Chef'up to level 6 or higher, go to a store that sellsfruits, vegetables, and egg/dairy products.

But 20of each, then go to Super Specialty Skills and choose'Master Chef' in the item screen, then pick 1 fruitand 1 dairy. Every other try or so (depending on yourskill level) you should create 'Coconut Milk' whichsells for overy 1000 Fol a piece!!

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You can also take2 vegetables and make 'Fried Vegetables' which sellsfor over 2000 Fol a piece!Keep creating the food until you run out ofingredients then go sell everything you created, buymore ingredients and do it again until you have thedesired amount of money you want.-Easy Level Up:Use Reverse Side to make a forged medal, and thenduplicate it as many times as you want to withReproduction. The forged medals bring a character to1 point under a level up-Rip Off Santa:Here is a simple cheat that will help you purchasethose majorly overpriced Santa Boots (10,000,000 Fol)from Santa, the wandering merchant on the 6th floorof the Cave of Trials. First off, you have to meethim. Santa will appear randomly on Level 6, usuallyby the statues of the thieves so if he isn't therethe first time, try leaving the dungeon and commingback. When you finally meet up with him, he will sellSage's Stones for 50,000 Fol a piece and buy themback for 65,000 Fol. Buy 20 Sage's Stones and sellthem right back to him for a 15,000 Fol profit!!Now, if you have the super specialty command IdentifyAll, you can make a 45,000 Fol profit by buying lowand selling high!-Two Levels for the Price of One:You must have two items in your inventory for thisto work: 'Forged Medals' and the 'Dream Bracelet.'

Star ocean 2nd story gameshark games

(I suggest reproducing medals until you have many).Equip the Dream Bracelet on the character you wishto level. Now use a Forged Medal on that character.De-equip the Dream Bracelet. After the next battle,you will gain two levels, at the cost of only oneForged Medal.-Easy way 2 level 250:Once you are in the cave of trials, And defeated theLevel 6 boss and recived the funny sword. Leave, saveand go back to floor 6. Make sure you have a few ofthe forged medals. But really all you have to do isstay in the dungeon looking for the stone theives.They are worth over 30000 exp each and usually attackin 4s.You can get your whole party up to level 250in about 3 or 4 hours!-Easy Money with Ashton:You will have to be on the second CD with Ashton inyour party for this to work.

Star ocean second story favorite foods

Star Ocean 2 Gameshark

Ashton will need tohave 'customize' at a fairly high level and theOrchestra super specialty will help a lot.Go toCentral City and buy 20 Scythers. Make 20 Damascus(using alchemy, it'll go a lot faster if you do thiswhile orchestra is playing.)Then have Ashtoncustomize the scyther with the damascus (orchestra),it will make his most powerful weapon, but you don'tneed 20 of em, sell them for about 1.5 million apiece-Get Battle suit on CD1:The Battle Suit is an extremly powerful armor(only the Valiant armor is stronger), and you cannormaly find it very late in the game, in thedeepest levels of the Cave of Trials. But with thePickpockets Skill you can have it very early, on CD1!When Claude is teleported on his father's spaceshipon CD1, he can walk freely on the bridge of thespaceship, until he speaks to his father. Use thismoment of freedom and pick the pockets of all thecrewmen, one of them has this wonderful armor!