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Are you able to use other usb devices without any issues?2. Did you make any changes to the computer prior to this issue?3. When exactly do you get the message “modemlistener.exe”?4. Are you trying to use HSPA USB modem to connect to internet?5. Install the dodo connection manager normally. Make sure the dongle is connected.

Open device manager, find the 5 HSPA devices that will be sitting there without a driver. For each of these devices. Right click, select 'Update Driver'. Select 'I will pick the driver manually'. Browse to the Dodo Connection utility folder (usually inside Program Files), then browse to 'Drivers', then 'vistax64' (for x64 win8, you're on your own for x86, sorry).

There should be two INF files available. Select either one. Windows should now show you a single device depending on which of the 5 devices you're on.

Typically an 'Application Port' or 'Data port'. Select it and finish the driver install.


Remove the Dongle and plug it back in again.With any luck, you'll find that the connection manager works now and can establish a connection correctly. Hi Linda,When you plug in the usb device to the computer, it will automatically recognize the hardware device as the usb drivers are inbuilt in the Windows.A data card is a device used as a modem to connect to the Internet. As the USB drivers are included in Windows, you need to plug in the USB device to the computer and the computer will automatically install the USB drivers. Afterthe drivers are installed, the device is recognized and the computer will let you know that the device is ready for use.Some data card requires additional software which need to be downloaded from a different computer and install the software on this computer. Once you have the device and the required software you can then use the device as a wirelessmodem to connect to the Internet.Thanks.

Gan, tolong solusinya,saya uda utak atik ini forum, tetap belum bisa dapat solusinyaMasalah internet di Windows 10 v1511, semua driver sudah up to date1. Recoil hydrology raritan. Modem Telkomsel Flash Advan HSPASewaktu saya pakai Windows 10 - 10240, modem ini bisa saya pakai via Dial Up karena kalau secara langsung tidak bisa (no device). GSM kartu Telkomsel dan XL.

Setelah upgrade ke Windows 10 Final, modem ini malah nggak bisa saya setting Dial Up. Sudah saya coba terus, setting via Dial Up, setting manual, Uninstall dan Install ulang modem, saya restart PC berulang-ulang tetap nggak bisa, mohon solusinya?2. Modem D-Link DWM-156Saya akhirnya beli modem ini karena di kotaknya ada tulisan'compatible Windows 8', GSM kartu Telkomsel dan XL, saya pikir ini akan kurang lebih sama dengan windows 10 cara install dan cara pakainya. Tetapi berbeda gan, malah modem ini gak bisa di install sama sekali. Saya jalankan fila setup nya, malah muncul tulisan 'This apps has been blocked for your protection', mohon solusinya?3. Wifi TP-Link MR3020Di rumah saya juga pakai Wifi TP-Link MR3020, jaringannya menggunakan salah satu dari ke dua modem di atas, network nya tetap sama, GSM kartu Telkomsel dan XL.

Windows saya bisa terhubung lewat wifi, tetapi selalu limited. Mohon solusinya?4.

Hspa Modem

Wifi di tempat kerjaDi tempat kerja saya juga pakai wifi, di tempat kerja inilah windows saya secara normal selalu terhubung ke internet tanpa limitedyang saya tanyakan adalah solusi dari ke tiga masalah di atas.