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  1. What Is A Ftp Directory
  2. Vb Gridview Example

Hi all,I want to make an application that lists folders, subfolders and it's files. The users must be able to edit the file name, file tags and to delete files or upload new files. The files will be stored in a folder in the root directory of my application.I've made an image that shows what the application must be able to do:1.

What Is A Ftp Directory

List the directories2. List the files and subdirectories3. Download the file when you click on it4. Upload a new fileCould this be done using a gridview, or what can I use to do this?(Since our webserver does not support.net 3.5, I have to write it in 2.0)Thanks in advance!Stefan. The HTML: <%@ Page Language='C#' MasterPageFile='/MasterPage.master' AutoEventWireup='true' CodeFile='Default.aspx.cs' Inherits='Default' Title='Untitled Page'%Please select a file.

The masterpage code: <%@ Master Language='C#' AutoEventWireup='true' CodeFile='MasterPage.master.cs' Inherits='MasterPage'%


If yes, I will provide you my source code (if you want to ofcourse:))Stefan. The search I need is a simple search (search for filename and filetags).What I want the search to do is to display the folders containing the files, and then when you click on the folder you only see the relevant files. Or to only display all of the files without the folders (what seems the best to do for you;)).The filetags are stored in my database. The database holds a reference to a file's relative path. Here is a sample record:fileID: 168 Location: /files/AS400/ConfigurenewusersM3.pps Tags:configure,M3Thanks again for your time mate!.

Vb Gridview Example

I don't get it,Do you mean search on files must match both filename and tags too?(what if a file match filename and not tags or vica versus,do you want to execlude those files?)Anyway if this is the case,in default.cs delete lines 17-21 and move lines 25-38to line 17.Wait a minute, file.Location contains the VIRTUAL PATH,and fileInfo expects a PHYSICAL PATH.you need to use Server.MapPath to get the physical path of a virtual path.Replace line 32 with this:string physicalPath = Server.MapPath(file.location);FileInfo ffInfo = new FileInfo(physicalPath). Mmmm, you are right about this. In this case it might be better to: for each file: search in the filename, and if not found then search in the tags.Is it hard to implement this? Since the tags come from my database (you can see the SQL above, when I get all 'files' from my database, it returns a list of File (not System.IO.File, but my domain class File), a File object has 3 values - File.FileID, File.FileLocation(thisis the virtual path, for instance /files/AS400/example.doc) and File.Tags(which contains the tags, seperated by a comma).Once again, I thank you ALOT for putting your time into this!.

Hi Suresh,I am using below code for download.String FileName = 'FileName.txt';String FilePath = 'C:/.' ; //Replace thisSystem.Web.HttpResponse response = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response;response.ClearContent;response.Clear;response.ContentType = 'text/plain';response.AddHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=' + FileName + ';');response.TransmitFile(FilePath);response.Flush;response.End;Upon click of the download button, i am getting Open/Save/Cancel dialog box, but i still able to click download button once again, without answering the dialog box.

DirectoryAll Files Ftp Directory Vb Net GridviewVb gridview example

I wanted to open Model Dialog box. Please guide me in this.ThanksPriya.